Thursday, February 5, 2009

Class of '94

A lock of hair, a lunchbox lid -
A ticket stub, a homecoming bid -

A speeding ticket, a Converse tag -
peeking out from a plastic bag.

Prom pictures and news clippings
fading with time -
Jumbled together,
no rhythm or rhyme.

Flannel shirts and Kurt Cobain,
and pictures of girls dancing in the rain...


  1. and you said you couldn't write poetry! this one is kind of hard to follow along, but once i re- read it, i decided i liked it :)

  2. Well I thought this poem has a great flow even from the first time I read it. The way you take segments of your memory seems more effective than had you tried to explain your experience in its entirety, a real emphasis on imagery.

  3. kurt cobain is so hot, and probably my favorite musician.
    and flannel shirts are awesome too.
    thats it.
